The Mind Is All You Need, What You Think You Become

25 Jan
The Mind Is All You Need

The truth of the saying “the mind is all you need; what you think, you become” has been deeply entrenched in our society for centuries. It’s a theory that suggests we are only limited by our own thoughts and visions. But how can this be true? How do we make sure to focus on positive thoughts and manifest them into reality? Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” With this in mind, I’m here to explore the idea of using your mind as an instrument towards success.


10 Oct
deliberate allowing

Deliberate Allowing   How do YOU create deliberate allowing of  your fortune that you have been accumulating in your infinite escrow? By Ester Hicks Dialog With Abraham If the law of attraction is what you say, where is my stuff? … Read More »

Believe then Achieve

10 Oct
power of your mind

Believe then Achieve To believe is the key,  the gateway to faith.  Let’s say you have an idea which will shortcut the work of the world, make life easier and happier for any number of individuals. You take whatever steps … Read More »