How to Establish Goals
Goal Setting is a must for success
All of us need to understand how to establish goals. Learn the importance of goal setting. Have you heard the phase what the mind expects, tends to be realized?
Knowing this, do you have written goals, right now, for the next week, or next month, or a year ahead or longer? It is so hard to write your goals and read them throughout your day. Some people start out with good intentions of writing their goals and taper off after a week or two.
Write Out Your Goals
Many of us will write our goals out and the next day modify them and read them the first couple of days, then something comes up, the schedule gets busy and a missed day equates to a missed week and all of a sudden 6 months have gone by and we find ourselves in the same positions that we were in originally.
We are all guilty of this, that’s why the percentage of highly successful people is so low. When I talk to past attendees of my “Unleash the Power of the Mind” seminars, or read the emails of people that have used my mp3 audio series, I hear similar comments.
Make A Goal List
Most people state how writing goals out has created new found jobs, wealth, health, and success. And then I will ask them what they are doing now, and invariably they will say that their tight on money or have problems with work or family. I will respond to them by asking to see their written goal list, and guess what, they hadn’t continued because they became complacent, lazy, or just didn’t have enough time.
Now let me see if I can convince you to start or restart your own goal list. If you make a list each morning of the things that need to be done that day, you will be amazed in the amount of work that you can accomplish.
Trip To Acapulco
One of my favorite motivational speakers was Zig Ziglar, and he related this story to his audiences: “How would you like to take a trip to Acapulco with my wife and myself, I have four tickets, we will be staying at a millionaires home with all the servants, right on the beach, and for one week we will live the life of a Millionaire, but the plane leaves tomorrow at exactly 8:45 am, CAN YOU MAKE IT? Well you look at your spouse and say I’d love to go but I have so much to do that I can’t possibly get it all done by tomorrow morning!
Having a supportive spouse, they say wait a minute, and they grab a paper and pencil and start to make a list of what do you need to do. And you check off the list as the tasks are performed.”
Do you think that you could get more done in the next 24 hours than you did in the last week?
So how about going to Acapulco every day of your life?
Now why should we write these goals out and not just keep them in our head? First, by keeping a goal list in your head you are using short term memory, the conscious rational mind.
We all know that when the phrase “What the mind expects, tends to be realized” is referring to the subconscious mind, that’s why we use hypnosis with our clients. So how do you implant your goals and desires into your subconscious mind? Through repetition, and that’s where the written goal list comes in.
Now if you also supplement yourself by using self-hypnosis, even better.
How to Create a Goal
I use 6 letters to remember how to build up the proper goal or desire list:
- Positive statement – do not use negative words.
- Simple to understand.
- Believable to yourself.
- Measurable – able to judge the goals progress.
- In the present tense, always.
- Rewarding to yourself when goal is accomplished
Always state the goals in a positive or affirmative statement. Such as “I am selling 10,000 copies of my book this month”. As you can see this goal is also simple, easy to understand, again remember the subconscious mind is very elementary, some people have equated it to a child.
This goal must be something that you can believe can be done. If you have a totally absurd goal your mind will reject it. Make sure that every goal can be measured by some means, dollars can be counted, health can be felt, actions can be seen. This will also allow you to monitor your progress.
Always write the goal in the present tense as if you have completed the goal, this way you already expect the results to be completed. Expectation is very important. And finally, you should be able to reward yourself with the completion of the goal, you must have some benefit from completing the goal.
Learn The Secret behind the Secret!
Where To Start
Write out on paper a quick list of about ten of your goals and desires, no matter how outrageous they are, both short and long term. Write this fast without concentrating, just list what you want and what you desire.
Categorize them by priority, as if a genie were going to grant one wish, which goal would you want to accomplish first. Write out the first goal, using the six criteria listed above. Read this goal 5 times morning noon and night.
Unleash the Power of Your Mind
Or prior to going into self-hypnosis, place yourself into hypnosis using a program like Mark’s “Unleash The Power Of Your Mind” mp3 audio download. After you have reached your deep relaxation, visualize or imagine what the end results of achieving the goal would be in great detail, make sure that YOU are in the end result visualization. See yourself as part of that end result.
A good example is seeing yourself in a new car, sitting in the driver’s seat, don’t just visualize a new car, use as many senses as you can such as, seeing colors, smells, feeling, etc. Concentrate for at least 10 seconds, focusing on this result. Then release the thought to the infinite universe, to be completed and manifested.
Reinforce the Goal
Reinforce the goal or desire by reading it every morning when you awake, throughout the day if you can, (memorizing the list is very helpful for this purpose) and each evening just before you fall asleep at night. (The last thought in your mind before sleep, is repeated by the mind all night, driving it deep into the subconscious mind)
Know and expect the completion of your goal, Without Doubt and you will be amazed with a little practice how fast you can manifest your desires from the small ones like green signals at all the intersections you drive through to the big ones involving health issues and wealth issues.
So, pull out those note pads and start your lists now, not after dinner, or tomorrow morning but force yourself to take action NOW!
Check out “Your Secret Power” for amazing techniques to transmute energy.